Transcript from Living Things (series one):
There is a profound link between beauty and fear, we sometimes fear what we love and love what we fear. This series expresses a love for the woodlands something Surah fears in its darkness but embraces and loves within its golden light glory when kissed by the sun. Surah explored the woodlands and used his camera with it to capture the erratic movement felt within himself when exploring the woodlands close to dusk. There is a sense of ambiguity within the images as there is a level of uncertainty as to what you are looking at and like a Rorschach ink blot test things seem to merge as imagery appears to jump out at you from the photographs surface. This series is finished but its concept is still something Surah is working on perfecting for a series further pursuing the notion of love and fear.
In this new series Surah shows a different side to this narrative using the colour blue to express a tension which embraces the undertones of the unknown. This represents his confidence in a place where confidence is diminished by night. This dark shade of blue which contrasts with some of the lighter shades symbolises the power of nature in a place which embraces ambiguity. This uncertainty unveils itself when one strains to see in the shadows in the dark where feelings of the unknown become more apparent in time.